Arabic Calligraphy Paper Prints

372 Products

  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Since the mighty oak has fallen, / Now has lost its hundred branches, / That the North may see the sunshine, / See the gentle gleam of moonlight, / That the clouds may keep their courses, / May extend the vault of heaven / Over every lake and river, / O’er the banks of every island. / Groves arose in varied beauty, / Beautifully grew the forests.” (Kalevala, rune 2. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “وحين وقعت السنديانة / هوت الشجرة البائسة / تمكنت الشمس من الإشراق / والقمر من التجلي / وجرى الغمام كسابق عهده / وحنية السماء تقوست / ونمت أحراش حريصة على النمو.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 2. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “” (“Summary of Kalevala: Epic of the Finnish Nation”, rune 28-30. | Sahban Ahmad Marwa)

    Arabic text (original):

    “ويهرب (لمينكاينين) من (بوهيولا) وفي البيت يسأل أمه أين يستطيع أن يختبئ من أهل (بوهيولا)، فتنصحه الأم أن يذهب إلى جزيرة بعيدة عبر بحار كثيرة. يركب (لمّينكاينين) مركبه إلى الجزيرة، فيقيم هناك إقامة مريحة مع فتيات الجزيرة، وعندما يعود الرجال من الحرب يغضبون من أعماله ويقررون قتله، فيهرب (لمّينكاينين) من الجزيرة حزينا، ويترك في الجزيرة خلفه نسوة حزينات. وبعد مغامرات متعددة يصل (لمّينكاينين) إلى سواحل موطنه، فيرى منزله محرقا ويخاف من أن أمه قد قُتلت، ولكن يجدها في مخبأ في الغابة. فتخبره الأم أن أهل (بوهيولا) قد أحرقوا المنزل فيعاهدها (لمينكاينين) على أن يبنى منزلا جديدا أفضل بعد أن ينتقم أولا من أهل (بوهيولا)، ويذهب للحرب ضد (بوهيولا) مع رفيق السلاح القدسم الذي اسمه (تيرا)، فتوقع سيدة (بوهيولا) عليهما بردا شديدا، فيبقى مركبهما واقفا في الجليد حتى يكاد يموت البطلان من البرد. ولكن يغلب (لمّينكاينين) البرد بتعاويذه، فيعودان إلى البيت في حالة بائسة.” (“تلخيص الكاليفالا: ملحمة الشعب الفنلندي”، النّشيد 28-30. | سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Kalevala: epic of the Finnish beauty.” ()

    Arabic text (original):

    “الكاليفالا: أسطورة الجمال الفنلندي.” ()

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Then was Iron sorely frightened, / Much distressed and filled with horror, / When of Fire he heard the mention, / Mention of his fell destroyer. / Then again speaks Ilmarinen, / Thus the smith addresses Iron: / Be not frightened, useful metal, / Surely Fire will not consume thee, / Will not burn his youngest brother, / Will not harm his nearest kindred. / Come thou to my room and furnace, / Where the fire is freely burning, / Thou wilt live, and grow, and prosper, / Wilt become the swords of heroes, / Buckles for the belts of women. / Ere arose the star of evening, / Iron ore had left the marshes, / From the water-beds had risen, / Had been carried to the furnace.” (Kalevala, rune 9. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “ويلي عليك أيها الحديد البائس / فأنت في مكان رديء / وفي مساحة ذليلة / تُرى إلى أي شيء ستتحوّل؟ / إن أنا ألقيت بك في النار / إن أنا وضعتك في الكور / جزع الحديد المسكين / جزع وامتلكه رعب قاتل / حين سمع بذكر النار / ولهيبها المندلع / قال الحدّاد إيلماري: / ألا لا تخف أيها الحديد ولا تقلق / فالنار لا تحرق أنيسها / لا ولا هي بمعذبة قريبها / وحين تأتي إلى بيت النار / إلى حيث ينبعث اللهب / فستصير جميلاً / وتصبح ممتازاً على الأشياء / تصير سيوفاً يمتشقها الرجال / وحليّاً جميلة تتقلّدها النساء / وبعد ذلك اليوم / أخرج الحديد من المستنقع / ومن الأغوار انتشل / وقدم به إلى المصهر / ولمرة نفخ ولمرتين / وللمرتين الثالثة كذلك / أخذ الحديد بالذوبان / وراح ينصهر كمعدن / ويتمدّد كعجين القمح / في لهب الحداد المضطرم / وتحت الوهج المندلع / صرخ الحديد الشقي: / إيلماري يا حداد / أخرجني من هنا / خلّصني من عذاب النار الحمراء / قال الحداد: / إن أنا أخرجتك من هنا / لربما غلظت وصرت شرساً / فتنحت أخاً لك / وتقطع ابن أمك / هنا أقسم الحديد المسكين قسماً صعباً / قال وهو في الكور / ثم قال وهوعلى السندان: / الخشب فقط سأعضّه / وسأنحت قلب الحجر / لكن لن أنهش أخاً لي / وابن أمي لن أقّطعه / وستكون كينونتي الأحسن / ووجودي الأكرم في حياتي / عندما أكون برفقة السائر / وسلاحاً للمسافر.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 9. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Come, O Ukko, to my rescue, / God of mercy, lend thy presence, / Give these vapor-baths new virtues, / Grant to them the powers of healing, / And restore my dying people; / Drive away these fell diseases, / Banish them to the unworthy, / Let the holy sparks enkindle, / Keep this heat in healing limits, / That it may not harm thy children, / May not injure the afflicted. / When I pour the sacred waters / On the heated blocks of sandstone, / May the water turn to honey / Laden with the balm of healing. / Let the stream of magic virtues / Ceaseless flow to all my children, / From this bath enrolled in sea-moss, / That the guiltless may not suffer, / That my tribe-folk may not perish, / Till the Master gives permission, / Until Ukko sends his minions, / Sends diseases of his choosing, / To destroy my trusting people. / Let the hostess of Pohyola, / Wicked witch that sent these troubles, / Suffer from a gnawing conscience, / Suffer for her evil doings. / Should the Master of Wainola / Lose his magic skill and weaken, / Should he prove of little service / To deliver from misfortune, / To deliver from these evils, / Then may Ukko be our healer, / Be our strength and wise Physician. / “Omnipresent God of mercy, / Thou who livest in the heavens, / Hasten hither, thou art needed, / Hasten to thine ailing children, / To observe their cruel tortures, / To dispel these fell diseases, / Drive destruction from our borders. / Bring with thee thy mighty fire-sword, / Bring to me thy blade of lightning, / That I may subdue these evils, / That these monsters I may banish, / Send these pains, and ills, and tortures, / To the empire of Tuoni, / To the kingdom of the east-winds, / To the islands of the wicked, / To the caverns of the demons, / To the rocks within the mountains, / To the hidden beds of iron, / That the rocks may fall and sicken, / And the beds of iron perish. / Rocks and metals do not murmur / At the hands of the invader. / “Torture-daughter of Tuoni, / Sitting on the mount of anguish, / At the junction of three rivers, / Turning rocks of pain and torture, / Turn away these fell diseases / Through the virtues of the blue-stone; / Lead them to the water-channels, / Sink them in the deeps of ocean, / Where the winds can never find them, / Where the sunlight never enters. / “Should this prayer prove unavailing, / O, Health-virgin, maid of beauty / Come and heal my dying people, / Still their agonies and anguish., / Give them consciousness and comfort, / Give them healthful rest and slumber; / These diseases take and banish, / Take them in thy copper vessel, / To thy eaves within the mountains, / To the summit of the Pain-rock, / Hurl them to thy boiling caldrons. / In the mountain is a touch-stone, / Lucky-stone of ancient story, / With a hole bored through the centre, / Through this pour these pains and tortures, / Wretched feelings, thoughts of evil, / Human ailments, days unlucky, / Tribulations, and misfortunes, / That they may not rise at evening, / May not see the light of morning.” / Ending thus, old Wainamoinen, / The eternal, wise enchanter, / Rubbed his sufferers with balsams, / Rubbed the tissues, red and painful, / With the balm of healing flowers, / Balsams made of herbs enchanted, / Sprinkled all with healing vapors, / Spake these words in supplication. / “Ukko, thou who art in heaven, / God of justice, and of mercy, / Send us from the east a rain-cloud, / Send a dark cloud from the North-west, / From the north let fall a third one, / Send us mingled rain and honey, / Balsam from the great Physician, / To remove this plague of Northland. / What I know of healing measures, / Only comes from my Creator; / Lend me, therefore, of thy wisdom, / That I may relieve my people, / Save them from the fell destroyer, / If my hands should fall in virtue, / Let the hands of Ukko follow, / God alone can save from trouble. / Come to us with thine enchantment, / Speak the magic words of healing, / That my people may not perish; / Give to all alleviation / From their sicknesses and sorrows; / In the morning, in the evening, / Let their wasting ailments vanish; / Drive the Death-child from Wainola, / Nevermore to visit Northland, / Never in the course of ages, / Never while the moonlight glimmers / O’er the lakes of Kalevala.” (Kalevala, rune 45. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “يا سيد الهواء، إلى الحرارة تقدم / إمحُ الشرر المقدس / واخفض البخار الفائض إلى الأرض / أطرد البخار الضار / لكيلا يحترق أولادك / لكيلا تفسد مخلوقاتك / وليكن ما أهرقه من ماء / فوق الحجارة الساخنة / ليكن عسلاً / كشراب عسلي يسيل / ولتتموج بركة من الشراب / من الموقد الحجري / لن يأكلونا من دون علّة / ولن يهلكونا من دون مرض / وكل من أراد أكلنا من دون علّة / فلترجع كلماته إلى فمه / وأمانيه الرديئة إلى رأسه / وإن لم أكن أنا رجلاً كافياً / فأوكو نفسه يكفي / فهو ضابط السحاب الساكن في الغيمة الصيفية / ومالك الغيم كله / أيها الإله الذي في الأعالي / هلمّ، فنحن محتاجون إليك / لتزيل عنّا هذي الشدّة / إحمل لي سيفاً من نار / لأحارب به الأشرار / وأبعث الآلام إلى طريق الهواء / أقذفها إلى أقبية حجرية / لتتألم الحجارة ويحلّ الوجع في الصخور / ألا فلتكن الأوجاع في هذا الحجر / وليُقهر ثمة الضرّ الضار / ولتندفع إلى داخله الآلام الصعبة / ولتكبس ثمة أيام الضيق / لكيلا تحاول الهجوم ليلاً / أو الإفلات من الحجر نهاراً / يا حاكم السماء / إبعث من المشرق سحابة / وسحاباً من الشمال الغربي / وابعث من المغرب غيمة / وأمطر العسل / وأمطر الماء / مرهماً للأوجاع / يا خالق تعال فقل القول / يا قادراً على الكل هلمّ تكلم، وانظر / إشف بالليل / وامنح العافية في النهار / كيلا يبقى مرض واحد في العالم.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 45. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “” (Kalevala, rune 2. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 2. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Come, O Ukko, to my rescue, / God of mercy, lend thy presence, / Give these vapor-baths new virtues, / Grant to them the powers of healing, / And restore my dying people; / Drive away these fell diseases, / Banish them to the unworthy, / Let the holy sparks enkindle, / Keep this heat in healing limits, / That it may not harm thy children, / May not injure the afflicted. / When I pour the sacred waters / On the heated blocks of sandstone, / May the water turn to honey.” (Kalevala, rune 45. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “يا سيد الهواء، إلى الحرارة تقدم/ إمحُ الشرر المقدس… / أطرد البخار الضار… / لكيلا تفسد مخلوقاتك / وليكن ما أهرقه من ماء… / ليكن عسلاً.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 45. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Kalevala: epic of the Finnish beauty.” ()

    Arabic text (original):

    “الكاليفالا: أسطورة الجمال الفنلندي.” ()

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “” (“Summary of Kalevala: Epic of the Finnish Nation”, rune 40. | Sahban Ahmad Marwa)

    Arabic text (original):

    “فيتوقف مركب سلّابي (سامبو) على ظهر السمكة العملاقة فيقتلون السمكة، ويصنع (فايناموينين) قيثار (كانتيلي) من فك السمكة العملاقة. كثير من الناس يحاولون العزف على (كانتيلي) ولكن لا يستطبع أحد العزف إلّا (فايناموينين).” (“تلخيص الكاليفالا: ملحمة الشعب الفنلندي”، النّشيد 40. | سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Mastered by desire impulsive, / By a mighty inward urging, / I am ready now for singing, / Ready to begin the chanting / Of our nation’s ancient folk-song / Handed down from by-gone ages. / In my mouth the words are melting, / From my lips the tones are gliding, / From my tongue they wish to hasten; / When my willing teeth are parted, / When my ready mouth is opened, / Songs of ancient wit and wisdom / Hasten from me not unwilling. / Golden friend, and dearest brother, / Brother dear of mine in childhood, / Come and sing with me the stories, / Come and chant with me the legends, / Legends of the times forgotten, / Since we now are here together, / Come together from our roamings. / Seldom do we come for singing, / Seldom to the one, the other, / O’er this cold and cruel country, / O’er the poor soil of the Northland.” (Kalevala, proem. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “يخطر لي / وفي ذهني أفكّر / بالذهاب لأنشد / بالذهاب لأغنّي / لأقرأ صلات الرحم / لأغنّي الأنساب / الكلمات تذوب في حلقي / والعبارات تسقط / إلى لساني يأتي / على أسناني تنفجر / أخي أيها الغالي / يا كم لم يتصل برحم لي أيها الوسيم / تعال معي لننشد / هلمّ معي لنغنّي / بعد أن تعارفنا / إثر قدومنا من مكانين مختلفبن / فمن النادر أن نلتقي / أن يأتي واحدنا إلى حيث الآخر / في تلك الحدود التعسة / في بوهيولا البائسة.” (كاليفالا، الفاتحة. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Quickly do the years fly over, / From the shining of the new sun / From the lighting of the full moon. / Still the daughter of the Ether, / Swims the sea as water-mother.” (Kalevala, rune 1. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “مرّت السنوات وعبرت / والشمس الطريفة تلتمع / والقمر الحديث ينير / وسيدة الماء وأمه تسبح دائمًا.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 1. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Golden friend, and dearest brother, / Brother dear of mine in childhood, / Come and sing with me the stories, / Come and chant with me the legends, / Legends of the times forgotten, / Since we now are here together, / Come together from our roamings. / Seldom do we come for singing, / Seldom to the one, the other.” (Kalevala, proem. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “أخي أيها الغالي / تعال معي لننشد / هلمّ معي لنغنّي / بعد أن تعارفنا / فمن النادر أن نلتقي / أن يأتي واحدنا إلى حيث الآخر.” (كاليفالا، الفاتحة. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Wainamoinen, old and trusty, / Lingering within his dungeon / Thirty summers altogether, / And of winters, also thirty, / Peaceful on the waste of waters, / On the broad-sea’s yielding bosom, / Well reflected, long considered, / How unborn to live and flourish.” (Kalevala, rune 1. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “مكث الأزلي فاينا / في رحم أمه / ثلاثين صيفاً / وشتاء على حد سواء / في اليمّ الهادئ / في العباب المكسو بالضباب / تأمل فاينا وفكر / كيف سأكون وكيف سأحيا؟” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 1. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “” (“Summary of Kalevala: Epic of the Finnish Nation”, rune 18. | Sahban Ahmad Marwa)

    Arabic text (original):

    “ويركب (فايناموينين) مركبه الجديد ليخطب عذراء (بوهيولا)، فتراه من الشاطئ أخت (إيلمارينين) وتعلم منه عن هدف رحلته، وتُسرع إلى البيت لتخبر أخاها عن الخاطب المنافس. فيأخذ (إيلمارينين) حصانه ويركب إلى (بوهيولا). ترى سيدة (بوهيولا) الخاطبَين المقتربين، فتنصح ابنتها بأن تختار (فايناموينين)، ولكن الفتاة تفضل (إيلمارينين) عليه وترفض (فايناموينين).” (“تلخيص الكاليفالا: ملحمة الشعب الفنلندي”، النّشيد 18. | سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “” (“Summary of Kalevala: Epic of the Finnish Nation”, rune 9. | Sahban Ahmad Marwa)

    Arabic text (original):

    “ويصل (إيلمارينين) إلى (بوهيولا)، فيطلب يد البنت ويشترط عليه القيام بأعمال خطيرة، فيحرث أولا حقل الأفاعي، وثانيا يصطاد دب الأموات وذئبهم، وثالثا يصيد سمكة هائلة في نهر الموت. فتعطي سيدة (بوهيولا) ابنتها لـ(أيلمارينين)، ويرجع (فاناموينين) من (بوهيولا) حزينا إلى البيت، فيحذّر اي رجل من أن ينافس أي شاب في التنافس قي سبيل خطبة ودّ فتاة شابة.” (“تلخيص الكاليفالا: ملحمة الشعب الفنلندي”، النّشيد 9. | سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “” (“Summary of Kalevala: Epic of the Finnish Nation”, rune 7. | Sahban Ahmad Marwa)

    Arabic text (original):

    “يسبح (فايناموينين) أيامًا طويلة على سطح البحر الواسع. فيأخذه العقاب على جناحه فينقله إلى (بوهيولا)، وهناك تستقبله (لوهي)، وهي سيدة (بوهيولا) العجوز، استقبالا حارّا فتضيفه وتعالجه. وعندما تتحسن صحته يريد (فايناموينين) أن يعود إلى بلده (كاليفا)، فتسمح له (لوهي) بأن يسافر شريطة أن يصنع لأهل (بوهيولا) مطحنة الثروة المعجزة (سامبو)، وإذا صنعها (فايناموينين) فيمكنه أن يتزوج ابنة (لوهي) الجميلة. فيقول (فايناموينين) أنه سيرسل إلى (بوهيولا) حدادا عظيما اسمه (إيلمارينين) لصنع (سامبو).” (“تلخيص الكاليفالا: ملحمة الشعب الفنلندي”، النّشيد 7. | سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “” (“Summary of Kalevala: Epic of the Finnish Nation”, rune 13, 14. | Sahban Ahmad Marwa)

    Arabic text (original):

    “يطلب (لمّينكاينين) من سيدة (بوهيولا) يد ابنتها فيُعطى واجبات أولها أنه يجب عليه أن يصيد إيل الجنّ، فيذهب للصيد ولكن الإيل يهرب منه. أخيرا يلحق (لمّينكانين) إيل الجنّ، فيأتي به إلى (بوهيولا)، أما الواجب الثاني فهو أن يقهر حصان الجنّ الوحشي. فيقهر حصان الجنّ ويقوده إلى (بوهيولا). والواجب الثالث عليه أن يقتل بجعة نهر الموت الأبيض بسهم واحد. يصل (لمّينكاينين) إلى النهر، وهناك يغدر ذلك الرجل العجوز الذي أبقاه (لمّينكاينين) حيًّا به ويقنصه بسهم فيرديه قتيلًا. يرمي الراعي جثة (لمّينكاينين) في النهر حيث يقطعه ابن الموت إلى قطع هنالك في النهر.” (“تلخيص الكاليفالا: ملحمة الشعب الفنلندي”، النّشيد 13، 14. | سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “That the nights come to us singly, / That the Moon beams on us singly, / That the Sun shines on us singly; / Singly also, Wainamoinen, / The renowned and wise enchanter, / Born from everlasting Ether / Of his mother, Ether’s daughter.” (Kalevala, proem. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “كما الليالي وحيدة تأتي إلينا / كما منفردًا ينبلج الفجر / هكذا ولد فاينا وحيدًا / الشاعر الكبير ولد / من رحم الحبلى / إيلمتر الأم / عذراء كانت بعد وابنة الفضاء.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 1. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Other songs the winds have sung me; / Many birds from many forests, / Oft have sung me lays n concord / Waves of sea, and ocean billows, / Music from the many waters, / Music from the whole creation, / Oft have been my guide and master. / Sentences the trees created.” (Kalevala, proem. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “كانت مع الريح تهب ترانيم أخرى / وتراتيل أخرى فوق العباب تصل / ربطت الطيور الكلمات / وقمم الأشجار شكّلت الجمل.” (كاليفالا، الفاتحة. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “From “Kalevala”, proem.” (Elias Lönnrot)

    Arabic text (original):

    “من “كاليفالا”، الفاتحة.” (إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Warmer grows the water round her, / Warmer is her bed in ocean, / … / Quick the maiden moves her shoulders, / Shakes her members in succession, / Shakes the nest from its foundation, / And the eggs fall into ocean, / Dash in pieces on the bottom / Of the deep and boundless waters. / … / From one half the egg, the lower, / Grows the nether vault of Terra.” (Kalevala, rune 1. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

    Arabic text (original):

    “أمّ الماء وعذراء الهواء / أحست بحرارة ما / بشرتها ساخنة / … / حركت ركبتها / قلقلت أطرافها / فتدحرج البيض إلى الماء / بين الأمواج تقلّب / وانكسر البيض / … / فأسفل البيضة / صار سطح الأرض.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 1. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Kalevala” ()

    Arabic text (original):

    “كاليفالا” ()

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “You were crucified and offered redemption, so do you see / … / Or do you remain in the universe a victim / who is rejected, excluded, denied and despised?” (Fahed Abu Khadra)

    Arabic text (original):

    “صُلبتَ وقدّمتَ الفداء، فهل تَرى / قيامك يرتاد الصّباح المعطّرا؟ / أم أنّك تبقى في الوجود ضحيّة / تُرَدُّ وتُستثنى وتُنفى وتُزدرى؟” (فهد أبو خضرة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Open your green doors, O land of heroism / I am coming with my flocks to the cradle of childhood / I am coming with my flocks, though they say: The view / is arid, the sun in the horizon is dead / I am the secret of the light and the spring, I / am the dream of the sons of the genuine prophecies.” (Fahed Abu Khadra)

    Arabic text (original):

    “إفتحي أبوابك الخضراء يا أرض البطولة / إنّني آت بأسرابي إلى مهد الطّفولة / إنّني آت بأسرابي وإن قالوا: المدى / قاحل، والشّمس في الأفق قتيلة / أنا سرّ الضوء والنّبع، أنا / حلم أبناء النّبوءات الأصيلة.” (فهد أبو خضرة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “I plant words / in history / in the heart of conscience / I love flowers / I watch them like a child in a bed / and I accompany the birds / I paint their shadow over the river.” (Suad Qaraman)

    Arabic text (original):

    “أنا أزرع الكلمات / في التّاريخ / في قلب الضّمير / أنا أعشق الأزهار / أرمقها كطفل في سرير / وأرافق الأطيار / أرسم ظلّها فوق الغدير.” (سعاد قرمان)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

    Arabic text (original):

    “فليضئ نوركم هكذا قدّام النّاس، لكي يروا أعمالكم الحسنة، ويمجّدوا أباكم الذي في السّماوات.” (متى 5: 16)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “One who does not respect life does not deserve it.” (Majid Khamra)

    Arabic text (original):

    “من لا يحترم الحياة لا يستحقّها.” (ماجد خمرة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “The secret of life is in its continuation.” (Majid Khamra)

    Arabic text (original):

    “سرّ الحياة في استمرارها.” (ماجد خمرة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “A mother is a person of full existence, presence, entity, feelings and emotions, of full mind, thinking and will, of full desires, tendencies and instincts, of full capacity to build society.” (Nayef Khoury)

    Arabic text (original):

    “الأمّ إنسان كامل الوجود والحضور والكيان والمشاعر والعواطف، كامل العقل والتّفكير والإرادة، كامل الرّغبات والميول والغرائز، كامل القدرة على بناء المجتمع.” (نايف خوري)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Love is not an abstract word; it is action, work, effort and sacrifice.” (Nayef Khoury)

    Arabic text (original):

    “المحبّة ليست كلمة مجرّدة، بل هي فعل وعمل وجهد وتضحية.” (نايف خوري)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Happiness lies in being closer to God and being closer to our human brother.” (Nayef Khoury)

    Arabic text (original):

    “السّعادة تكمن بالتّقرّب إلى الله وبالدّنو أكثر من أخينا الإنسان.” (نايف خوري)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “In the neighborhoods of Haifa, you will find the influences of stones, windows and arches that tell you the story of that place and that time.” (Majid Khamra)

    Arabic text (original):

    “في أحياء حيفا ستجد المؤثّرات من الحجارة والشّبابيك والأقواس التي تروي لك قصّة ذلك المكان وذلك الزّمان.” (ماجد خمرة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “The return to Haifa is the return to humanity.” (Majid Khamra)

    Arabic text (original):

    “العودة إلى حيفا هي العودة إلى الإنسانيّة.” (ماجد خمرة)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Nationalism is a belonging to the homeland and a responsibility for its protection.” (Nayef Khoury)

    Arabic text (original):

    “الوطنيّة انتماء للوطن ومسؤوليّة لصيانته.” (نايف خوري)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Ideas are like droplets in the jar of creativity, gathering to fill the thirst of the creator.” (Nayef Khoury)

    Arabic text (original):

    “الأفكار كالقطرات في جرن الإبداع تتجمّع لتروي ظمأ المبدع.” (نايف خوري)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Haifa is rain reviving the hidden winter.” (Rushdi al-Madhi)

    Arabic text (original):

    “حيفا مطر صحوه شتاء مضمر.” (رشدي الماضي)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “She said: Time has worn you since we parted. But I said: God forbid, it was you not time.” (Abu Firas al-Hamdani)

    Arabic text (original):

    “قالت: لقد أزرى بكَ الدهرُ بعدنا. فقلتُ: معاذَ اللهِ، بلْ أنتِ لا الدّهرُ.” (أبو فراس الحمداني)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “From the poem “A Stranger in the Land of My Father and My Grandfather.”” (Suad Qaraman)

    Arabic text (original):

    “من قصيدة “غريب في ديار أبي وجدّي”.” (سعاد قرمان)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things… The Lord has made his salvation known.” (Psalm 98:1,2)

    Arabic text (original):

    “رنّموا للرّب ترنيمة جديدة، لأنّه صنع عجائب… أعلن الرّب خلاصه.” (مزمور 98: 1، 2)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.
  • $59.90

    Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.

    Arabic text in English:
    “The light of your music illumines the world; the life breath of your music runs from sky to sky.”” (Rabindranath Tagore)

    Arabic text (original):

    “إنّ نور موسيقاك يضيء الدّنيا، ولهاث موسيقاك المفعم بالحياة، ينسرب من سماء إلى سماء.” (رابندرانات طاغور)

    Paper prints

    Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.

    Frames are NOT included.


    Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.


    Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.


    If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.


    • Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
    • The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
    • Print colors may vary from your screen.