Artwork details
Artist: Kamil Dow
Year: 2018
Size: 50×70 cm (19.7″×27.6″)
Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper
Arabic calligraphy text in English:
“You were crucified and offered redemption, so do you see / … / Or do you remain in the universe a victim / who is rejected, excluded, denied and despised?” (Fahed Abu Khadra)
Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):
“صُلبتَ وقدّمتَ الفداء، فهل تَرى / قيامك يرتاد الصّباح المعطّرا؟ / أم أنّك تبقى في الوجود ضحيّة / تُرَدُّ وتُستثنى وتُنفى وتُزدرى؟” (فهد أبو خضرة)