Paper print of an original Arabic calligraphy artwork by Kamil Dow.
Arabic text in English:
“On the forest-covered island. / Here Annikki, looking round her, / Looking through the fog and ether, / Looking through the clouds of heaven, / Gazing far out on the blue-sea, / Sees the morning sun arising, / Glimmering along the billows, / Looks with eyes of distant vision / Toward the sunrise on the waters, / Toward the winding streams of Suomi, / Where the Wina-waves were flowing. / There she sees, on the horizon, / Something darkle in the sunlight, / Something blue upon the billows, / Speaks these words in wonder guessing: / What is this upon the surges, / What this blue upon the waters, / What this darkling in the sunlight? / ‘Tis perhaps a flock of wild-geese, / Or perchance the blue-duck flying; / Then upon thy wings arising, / Fly away to highest heaven. / Art thou then a shoal of sea-trout, / Or perchance a school of salmon? / Dive then to the deep sea-bottom, / In the waters swim and frolic.” (Kalevala, rune 18. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)
Arabic text (original):
“عند طرف الجزيرة ذات السديم / تطلّعت، التفتت / حيث الهواء النقي الشامل / وإلى ما فوق رأسها إلى السماء / وفي اتجاه سواحل البحر / كانت الشمس ساطعة في الأعالي / والأمواج ملتمعة تحت / ألقت بنظرة إلى متن البحر / لمحت سواداً فيه / شيئاً أزرق صغيراً بين الأمواج / قالت: من أنت في البحر يا أسود؟ / من تراك بين الأمواج يا أزرق؟ / إن كنت سرباً من الأوز / فلتحلّق طائراً إلى فوق / وإن كنت سرباً من السلمون / أو قطيعاً من سمك آخر / فلتغص سابحاً.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 18. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)
Paper prints
Printed on premium quality, heavyweight art paper. The paper’s matte finish produces stunning colors and high resolution images. The art is printed to the edges covering the entire paper and is cropped depending on the size you choose.
Frames are NOT included.
Paper prints are wrapped in protective paper and rolled into a sturdy cardboard tube or placed in a sturdy flat envelope.
Shipping is free worldwide. Prints are shipped from US or EU depending on your location, so you get it as soon as possible.
If you want to return an item, please get in touch within 14 days of delivery and ship it back within 30 days of delivery.
- Frames are NOT included. The prints are shipped unframed/unmounted.
- The art is cropped depending on the print size you choose.
- Print colors may vary from your screen.