Arabic Calligraphy Original Art

380 Products

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2013
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “سلام الله الذي يفوق كل عقل، يحفظ قلوبكم وأفكاركم في المسيح يسوع.” (فيلبي 4: 7)

  • $4,500.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2013
    Size: 67×94 cm (26.4″×37.0″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit.” (Matthew 7:17)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “كل شجرة جيّدة تصنع أثمارا جيّدة.” (متى 7: 17)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2013
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.” (John 14:27)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “سلاما أترك لكم. سلامي أعطيكم.” (يوحنا 14: 27)

  • $4,500.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2010
    Size: 67×97 cm (26.4″×38.2″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “لأنه هكذا أحب الله العالم حتى بذل ابنه الوحيد، لكي لا يهلك كل من يؤمن به، بل تكون له الحياة الأبدية.” (يوحنا 3: 16)

  • $4,500.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2013
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:14)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “من يشرب من الماء الذي أعطيه أنا فلن يعطش إلى الأبد، بل الماء الذي أعطيه يصير فيه ينبوع ماء ينبع إلى حياة أبديّة.” (يوحنا 4: 14)

  • $2,500.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2012
    Size: 50×70 cm (19.7″×27.6″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache, ink and gold marker on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “فرح الرّب هو قوّتكم.” (نحميا 8: 10)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2012
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache, ink and gold marker on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “I heard the annunciation, Immanuel / As Gabriel told me / Mary, you shall call His name Jesus / Born like no other / My beloved Son / Jesus…” (Haroun Ibrahim)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “سمعت البشرى عمّانوئيل / كما قال لي جبرائيل / تسمّينه يسوع يا مريم / مولود ليس له مثيل / ولدي الحبيب / يسوع. / فسكنت في أحشائي وحملتك / وتمخّضت بك وولدتك / أنت المولود، قبل الدّهور / صرت ابن البشر وأطعمتك / ولدي الحبيب، ولدي يسوع / يسوع. / نظرتك طفلا في حضني تحتضن الكون بالعين / وعين الكل تنتظرك / ومسرّتك أن تعطي / ولدي يسوع، ولدي الحبيب / يسوع. / حملت علامة العهد / رأيت بعينيه الجلد / وأنت ممزّق الجسد / لتعطي خلاصا / أبدي / آه يا ولدي / يسوع. / رأيت التّاج من شوك / فجمد الدّم في عروقي / رغم علمي لكنّي أمّ / تبكي والّدمع هو يحكي / ولدي / يسوع. / دفنوك في القبر فكنتُ / وكأنّي مُتُّ وقبرتُ / وجائني بشرى قيامتك / ففرحتُ وكأنّي وُلدتُ / ولدي / الحبيب.” (هارون ابراهيم)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2012
    Size: 32×45 cm (12.6″×17.7″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “أمّا أنا وبيتي فنعبد الرّب.” (يشوع 24: 15)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2012
    Size: 35×50 cm (13.8″×19.7″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “الرب راعيّ فلا يعوزني شيء.” (مزمور 23: 1)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2012
    Size: 35×50 cm (13.8″×19.7″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “الرب راعيّ فلا يعوزني شيء.” (مزمور 23: 1)

  • $4,500.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2013
    Size: 65×93 cm (25.6″×36.6″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” (Psalm 111:10)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “رأس الحكمة مخافة الرب.” (مزمور 111: 10)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2003
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “تعالوا إلي يا جميع المتعبين والثقيلي الأحمال، وأنا أريحكم. احملوا نيري عليكم وتعلموا مني، لأني وديع ومتواضع القلب، فتجدوا راحة لنفوسكم.” (متى 11: 28-29)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 1998
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land.” (Exodus 20:12)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “أكرم أباك وأمّك لكي تطول أيّامك على الأرض.” (خروج 20: 12)

  • $3,000.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2004
    Size: 50×70 cm (19.7″×27.6″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Charity never faileth.” (1 Corinthians 13:8)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “المحبة لا تسقط أبدا.” (1 كورنثوس 13: 8)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2012
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Haifa is the fullness of Spring.” (Rushdi al-Madhi)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “حيفا ربيع معتّق.” (رشدي الماضي)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2003
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “تعالوا إليّ يا جميع المتعبين والثّقيلي الأحمال، وأنا أريحكم.” (متى 11: 28)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2002
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “The most precious place in the world is a horse’s saddle and the best companion is a book.” (Al-Mutanabbi)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “أعزّ مكان في الدّنى سرج سابح وخير جليس في الزّمان كتاب.” (المتنبي)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2002
    Size: 68×97 cm (26.8″×38.2″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Oh spring, take me back to my homeland, if only as a flower.” ()

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “بلادي أعدني إليها، ولو زهرة يا ربيع.” ()

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2012
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “How far away I am, when I see myself in a dream, I see it far away.” (Rushdi al-Madhi)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “ما أبعدني حين أراني حلما أراه بعيدا.” (رشدي الماضي)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2008
    Size: 67×95 cm (26.4″×37.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “My homeland is not a suitcase and I am not a traveler.” (Mahmoud Darwish)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “وطني ليس حقيبة وأنا لست مسافر.” (محمود درويش)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2005
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “The richest is the one who gives the most.” ()

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “أغنى النّاس من كان أكثرهم عطاء.” ()

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2008
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “As you prepare your breakfast, think of others. / Don’t forget to feed the pigeons. / As you fight your wars, think of others. / Don’t forget those who want peace. / As you go home, your own home, think of others. / Don’t forget those who live in tents. / As you liberate yourself with metaphors, think of others. / Those who have lost their right to speak. / As you think of distant others, think of yourself. / Say: I wish I were a candle in the darkness.” (Mahmoud Darwish)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “وأنت تعدّ فطورك، فكّر بغيرك / لا تنس قوت الحمام / وأنت تخوض حروبك، فكّر بغيرك / لا تنس من يطلبون السلام‎ / وأنت تعود إلى البيت، بيتك، فكّر بغيرك / لا تنس شعب الخيام / وأنت تحرّر نفسك بالاستعارات، فكّر بغيرك / من فقدوا حقّهم في الكلام / وأنت تفكّر بالآخرين البعيدين، فكّر بنفسك / قل: ليتني شمعةٌ في الظلام.” (محمود درويش)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2005
    Size: 70×50 cm (27.6″×19.7″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst.” (John 4:14)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “من يشرب من الماء الذي أعطيه أنا فلن يعطش إلى الأبد.” (يوحنا 4: 14)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 1991
    Size: 100×70 cm (39.4″×27.6″)
    Materials: ink and gold marker on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “طوبى لصانعي السلام لأنهم أبناء الله يُدعون.” (متى 5: 9)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 1983
    Size: 70×50 cm (27.6″×19.7″)
    Materials: ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “God is love.” (1 John 4:8)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “الله محبّة.” (1 يوحنا 4: 8)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2012
    Size: 40×30 cm (15.7″×11.8″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Charity never faileth.” (1 Corinthians 13:8)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “المحبة لا تسقط أبدا.” (1 كورنثوس 13: 8)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2010
    Size: 35×50 cm (13.8″×19.7″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “أنا هو نور العالم. من يتبعني فلا يمشي في الظلمة، بل يكون له نور الحياة.” (يوحنا 8: 12)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 1988
    Size: 80×110 cm (31.5″×43.3″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “The girls are picking flowers, collecting lotus buds on the river bank. They sit among the shrubs and fallen leaves and sing joyfully.” ()

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “الفتيات يلتقطتن الزهور. يجمعن براعم اللوتس على ضفاف النهر. يجلسن بين الشجيرات والأوراق المتساقطة ويتنادين بفرح.” ()

  • $5,000.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2011
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” (Matthew 6:9-13)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “أبانا الذي في السماوات، ليتقدس اسمك. ليأت ملكوتك. لتكن مشيئتك كما في السماء كذلك على الأرض. خبزنا كفافنا أعطنا اليوم. واغفر لنا ذنوبنا كما نغفر نحن أيضا للمذنبين إلينا. ولا تدخلنا في تجربة ، لكن نجنا من الشرير. لأن لك الملك، والقوة، والمجد، إلى الأبد. آمين” (متى 6: 9-13)

  • $5,000.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2007
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: oil on canvas

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “I am the light of the world.” (John 8:12)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “أنا هو نور العالم.” (يوحنا 8: 12)

  • $5,000.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 1997
    Size: 67×85 cm (26.4″×33.5″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.” (1 Corinthians 13)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “إن كنت أتكلم بألسنة الناس والملائكة ولكن ليس لي محبة، فقد صرت نحاسا يطن أو صنجا يرن. وإن كانت لي نبوة، وأعلم جميع الأسرار وكل علم، وإن كان لي كل الإيمان حتى أنقل الجبال، ولكن ليس لي محبة، فلست شيئا. وإن أطعمت كل أموالي، وإن سلمت جسدي حتى أحترق، ولكن ليس لي محبة، فلا أنتفع شيئا. المحبة تتأنى وترفق. المحبة لا تحسد. المحبة لا تتفاخر، ولا تنتفخ. ولا تقبح، ولا تطلب ما لنفسها، ولا تحتد، ولا تظن السوء. ولا تفرح بالإثم بل تفرح بالحق. وتحتمل كل شيء، وتصدق كل شيء، وترجو كل شيء، وتصبر على كل شيء. المحبة لا تسقط أبدا. وأما النبوات فستبطل، والألسنة فستنتهي، والعلم فسيبطل. لأننا نعلم بعض العلم ونتنبأ بعض التنبؤ. ولكن متى جاء الكامل فحينئذ يبطل ما هو بعض. لما كنت طفلا كطفل كنت أتكلم، وكطفل كنت أفطن، وكطفل كنت أفتكر. ولكن لما صرت رجلا أبطلت ما للطفل. فإننا ننظر الآن في مرآة، في لغز، لكن حينئذ وجها لوجه. الآن أعرف بعض المعرفة، لكن حينئذ سأعرف كما عرفت. أما الآن فيثبت: الإيمان والرجاء والمحبة، هذه الثلاثة ولكن أعظمهن المحبة.” (1 كورنثوس 13)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2010
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Oh spring, take me back to my homeland, if only as a flower.” ()

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “بلادي أعدني إليها، ولو زهرة يا ربيع.” ()

  • $5,500.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 1992
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth.” (1 Corinthians 13:1-8)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “إن كنت أتكلم بألسنة الناس والملائكة ولكن ليس لي محبة، فقد صرت نحاسا يطن أو صنجا يرن. وإن كانت لي نبوة، وأعلم جميع الأسرار وكل علم، وإن كان لي كل الإيمان حتى أنقل الجبال، ولكن ليس لي محبة، فلست شيئا. وإن أطعمت كل أموالي، وإن سلمت جسدي حتى أحترق، ولكن ليس لي محبة، فلا أنتفع شيئا المحبة تتأنى وترفق. المحبة لا تحسد. المحبة لا تتفاخر، ولا تنتفخ. ولا تقبح، ولا تطلب ما لنفسها، ولا تحتد، ولا تظن السوء. ولا تفرح بالإثم بل تفرح بالحق. وتحتمل كل شيء، وتصدق كل شيء، وترجو كل شيء، وتصبر على كل شيء. المحبة لا تسقط أبدا.” (1 كورنثوس 13: 1-8)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2010
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “أنا هو نور العالم. من يتبعني فلا يمشي في الظلمة، بل يكون له نور الحياة.” (يوحنا 8: 12)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2010
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.” (Psalm 2:8)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “إسألني فأعطيك الأمم ميراثا لك، وأقاصي الأرض ملكا لك.” (مزمور 2: 8)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2005
    Size: 50×70 cm (19.7″×27.6″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “إمرأة فاضلة من يجدها؟ لأن ثمنها يفوق اللآلئ.” (أمثال 31: 10)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 1983
    Size: 60×90 cm (23.6″×35.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: Because of You we are being put to death all day long; we are counted as sheep to be slaughtered. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” (Romans 8:35-37)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “من سيفصلنا عن محبة المسيح؟ أشدة أم ضيق أم اضطهاد أم جوع أم عري أم خطر أم سيف. كما هو مكتوب: إننا من أجلك نمات كل النهار. قد حسبنا مثل غنم للذبح. ولكننا في هذه جميعها يعظم انتصارنا بالذي أحبنا.” (رومية 8: 35-37)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2012
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven.” (Matthew 5:3-12)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “طوبى للمساكين بالروح، لأن لهم ملكوت السماوات. طوبى للحزانى، لأنهم يتعزون. طوبى للودعاء، لأنهم يرثون الأرض. طوبى للجياع والعطاش إلى البر، لأنهم يشبعون. طوبى للرحماء، لأنهم يرحمون. طوبى للأنقياء القلب ، لأنهم يعاينون الله. طوبى لصانعي السلام ، لأنهم أبناء الله يدعون. طوبى للمطرودين من أجل البر، لأن لهم ملكوت السماوات. طوبى لكم إذا عيروكم وطردوكم وقالوا عليكم كل كلمة شريرة، من أجلي، كاذبين. افرحوا وتهللوا، لأن أجركم عظيم في السماوات.” (متى 5: 3-12)

  • $5,000.00

    Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2005
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “I think, therefore I am.” (René Descartes)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “أنا أفكر، إذن أنا موجود.” (رينيه ديكارت)

  • Artwork details

    Artist: Kamil Dow
    Year: 2009
    Size: 70×100 cm (27.6″×39.4″)
    Materials: acrylic, gouache and ink on paper

    Arabic calligraphy text in English:
    “In the beginning, the tree was bearing fruit and providing shade before it became a cross.” (Hanna Abu Hanna)

    Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

    “في البدء الشّجرة كانت ثمرًا فيئًا قبل عمود الصّلب.” (حنا أبو حنا)