“Kalevala” – Arabic Calligraphy Original Art by Kamil Dow


Artwork details

Artist: Kamil Dow
Year: 2018
Size: 30×40 cm (11.8″×15.7″)
Materials: gouache and ink on paper

Arabic calligraphy text in English:
“As she reached the sandy margin, / Reached the cold and dismal sea-shore, / Sat upon the rock of sorrow, / Sat alone in cold and darkness, / Listened only to the music / Of the winds and rolling billows, / Singing all the dirge of Aino. / All that night the weary maiden / Wept and wandered on the border / Through the sand and sea-washed pebbles. / As the day dawns, looking round her, / She beholds three water-maidens, / On a headland jutting seaward, / Water-maidens four in number, / Sitting on the wave-lashed ledges, / Swimming now upon the billows, / Now upon the rocks reposing.” (Kalevala, rune 4. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

“حين وصلت إلى البحر / حلّ الظلام والعتمة / بكت الصبية، ناحت الليل كله / ثم لمّا تنفس الفجر / نظرت إلى الرأس البحري / فأبصرت ثلاث عذارى / يسبحن ويستحممن / فذهبت لتكون رابعتهن.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 4. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)

SKU: kd-art-original-0505 Category:


Artwork details

Artist: Kamil Dow
Year: 2018
Size: 30×40 cm (11.8″×15.7″)
Materials: gouache and ink on paper

Arabic calligraphy text in English:
“As she reached the sandy margin, / Reached the cold and dismal sea-shore, / Sat upon the rock of sorrow, / Sat alone in cold and darkness, / Listened only to the music / Of the winds and rolling billows, / Singing all the dirge of Aino. / All that night the weary maiden / Wept and wandered on the border / Through the sand and sea-washed pebbles. / As the day dawns, looking round her, / She beholds three water-maidens, / On a headland jutting seaward, / Water-maidens four in number, / Sitting on the wave-lashed ledges, / Swimming now upon the billows, / Now upon the rocks reposing.” (Kalevala, rune 4. | Elias Lönnrot. Translated by: John Martin Crawford)

Arabic calligraphy text in Arabic (original):

“حين وصلت إلى البحر / حلّ الظلام والعتمة / بكت الصبية، ناحت الليل كله / ثم لمّا تنفس الفجر / نظرت إلى الرأس البحري / فأبصرت ثلاث عذارى / يسبحن ويستحممن / فذهبت لتكون رابعتهن.” (كاليفالا، النّشيد 4. | إلياس لونروت. ترجمة: سحبان أحمد مروة)